《SOFAS BY SKETCH》⭐️ To order |✦| UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE |✦| Kyiv ➤ According to your ➡️ photos ⭐️ sketches |✦| SOFA TO ORDER ACCORDING TO YOUR PHOTOS |✦| in Kyiv ⭐️ Large selection of materials ⭐️ High-quality production of upholstered furniture according to your parameters.

Sofas to order according to sketch

Sofas according to drawings to order in Kyiv

Manufacturing of upholstered furniture according to sketches

A distinctive feature of the production of sofas according to individual sizes is the ability to select not only the upholstery and design, but also the dimensions, since often regular products do not fit into the interior as the owners would like. In addition, individual furniture takes into account such nuances as height and other human features.

Photos of upholstered furniture according to personal parameters

Order upholstered furniture from your photos

How does a custom sofa production take place? Once the purpose and design of the product have been selected, measurements must be taken – this is done either by our expert or by you yourself after consultation with the expert. Then an estimate is made and payment is agreed upon. We will deliver the finished sofa to the address you specify.

The price of manufacturing a sofa according to individual sizes increases the cost of the product by only 20-30%; work on this plan will take 7 days. The production of designer upholstered furniture "linea-rosso" has a staff of top-class experts who can design any sofa according to your order.

Production of sofas according to individual sketches

Our production has a large number of upholstery materials, but the customer can always recommend their own fabric. But we advise you to consult with our experts before purchasing, since special requirements are imposed on the upholstery so that it serves for a long time - in particular, wear resistance and moisture resistance, a certain density, resistance to fading, environmental and fire safety and much more. It happens that people find interesting options for upholstered furniture in photos in magazines, on the Internet or from friends. Of course, it is unlikely to just go and buy in the store the same sofa that is in the living room of some foreign star or you noticed in a movie, but we can easily solve this problem.

We will need very little from you - a photo of the product you like, in which all the characteristic features of the design are clearly visible, and the required dimensions. Our engineer will create a sketch of the sofa and show it to you for approval, after which the order will go into work.

Quality sofas from pictures

Production time – 2-3 weeks, the price of products of this type is discussed separately and depends on the complexity of the design and the price of the selected materials. In the company "linea-rosso" you can order:

  1. Sofas for office and home based on your pictures, photographs, sketches, drawings;
  2. Corner, straight or radius sofas according to your pictures, photographs, sketches, drawings;
  3. Modular, classic, and transformer sofas based on your pictures, photographs, sketches, and drawings;
  4. Italian sofas according to your pictures, photographs, sketches, drawings;
  5. Sofa beds of all types (sofa, ottoman and much more) based on your pictures, photographs, sketches, drawings.
  6. Sofas with fabric or leather upholstery according to your pictures, photographs, sketches, drawings.

Upholstered furniture according to your individual parameters

To more accurately determine the cost of making a sofa in the workshop "linea-rosso" Call the numbers listed in the contacts section. The visit of the measurer is possible the next day after the application. The master will familiarize you with examples of material, consult on design issues and draw up an estimate of the work. 
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